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YRPC Safety Standards
Range Rules & Safety Information
The object of this organization shall be the encouragement of organized firearms shooting among citizens of the United States, with a view towards a better knowledge on the part of such citizens of the safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship and to provide such programs for the youth. It shall be our further object and purpose to forward the development of the characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team play and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship and the foundation of true patriotism.
The range is to be used primarily for rifle and pistol practice and competition with other uses to include instruction, coaching, including but not limited to other disciplines such as shotgun, small bore, and muzzle loading. The primary objective of the range is to improve marksmanship skills with a strong emphasis on safety. The range is to be used by members, guests, and competitors.
1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction.
2. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
3. Always keep the action open and firearm unloaded until ready to shoot.
4. Know your target and what is beyond your target.
5. Be sure the gun is safe to operate.
6. Know how to use your gun safely.
7. Wear eye and ear protection.
8. Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.
9. Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized person.
1. Know and obey the common range commands.
2. Know where others are at all times.
3. Shoot only at proper and authorized targets.
4. When two or more shooters are present, shooters MUST consult each other before moving down range.
5. Unload, open the action, ground or bench all firearms during a cease-fire or when someone moves downrange to the target area.
1. All members are required to sign in the logbook located in the foyer of the main clubhouse when they visit or use any facility on club property. The information required is as follows:
a. Name
b. Facility used (indoor, outdoor range, trap, etc.)
c. Time in
d. Time out
e. Name of any guest
f. Check of general condition of facility, noting any damage in log.
g. Payment of any and all range fees posted.
2. Members are required to carry ID cards at all times while on club property.
3. A member may have exclusive use of the facility (indoor or outdoor, but not both) for a period of one (1) hour. Scheduled club activities are not affected by this rule. If another member has not signed in before you have arrived then you have precedence over them as they have no way of proving they have not been there longer than an hour.
4. All accidents, damage, or injuries must be reported immediately to the club range officer.
5. Speed limit on all club roads to be 10 mph on slag road and 25 mph on Shaffer Rd.
6. No alcoholic beverages permitted on club property.
7. No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs is permitted to use any club shooting facility.
8. Eye and ear protection required for firing line while any shooting is in progress.
9. Members are encouraged to bring a guest(s) to shoot with a member at any unscheduled event. It is suggested that after the third visit the guest be asked to join the club. There is no limit on visits by family members.
10. All safety rules set by the National Rifle Association must be obeyed.
11. For any violation of any club or NRA rules, violator is subject to a reasonable assessment and fine, plus cost of any damage that may have been caused and /or may be subject to discharge from the club.
12. If any violations are observed, please record date, time, location, person(s) committing infraction and any relevant information. Report infraction directly to Range Officer of Club.
1. All targets must be placed at a height for all types of shooting activities that bullets impact into the mound. Firearms will be pointed at the backstop with the full intention that the projectile will land in the impact area (backstop).
2. All shooting will stop at 15-minute intervals to allow shooters to score or change targets.
3. No shooter will handle or load a firearm while a shooter is forward of the firing line.
4. The following positions will be adhered to: offhand, standing, sitting, prone, or bench rest. No un-aimed or hip shooting permitted. This rule will be strictly enforced
5. Club members and only (5) guests are permitted. Each club member will be responsible for their guest.
6. No shooting at bottles, glass targets, etc. Paper targets and frangible targets are allowed and recommended.
7. Steel targets can be used with extreme caution. Steel targets must be setup so that projectiles impact the ground below or the mound behind the target. Steel target cannot be setup so projectile may be deflected to side of or above of target. Steel pepper poppers, spinners, reactive, and other steel targets must be setup above the ground and in front of the backstop. Pistol targets require at least 15 (fifteen) yards distance between shooters. At least 50 (fifty) yards or more distance between shooter and target for small cartridge centerfire rifles. Longer distance is required depending on cartridge power and bullet weight.
8. Finger ranges cannot be used when the 50, 100, or 200 yard ranges are being used. The 50, 100, or 200 yard ranges cannot be used if the finger ranges are being used. The ONLY exception is the 50 yard range and two southern most finger ranges (#4 and #5 finger range, blocked by building) can be used at same time, providing all shooters agree and adhere to all rules.
9. Exploding targets or devices are not permitted.
10. Days and hours of shooting are:
Mon. - Sat. 9am –dusk, Sun.10am-dusk.
11. When done shooting, all trash and targets must be removed from the range.
12. No vehicles allowed on the range, except maintenance vehicles.
13. No alcoholic beverages on the club property. Any member caught under the influence will be required to leave the range immediately.
14. Take care of the range, keep it clean, and follow these rules. If we lose this range there will be nothing for future shooters to use and enjoy.
1. Make sure door to indoor range room is closed before shooting 2. Sweep and remove all brass from floor.
3. All shooters must shoot from a common firing line.
4. Turn range heater off when not in use.
5. When leaving building, make sure all lights are off, set thermostat in club room to the posted setting, and be sure the building is secure.
6. The indoor range may be used anytime, except during scheduled events.
7. Lead bullets and jacketed ball only. No caliber larger than .45ACP, magnum calibers, and steel core or armor piercing bullets allowed. If you have a question on bullet type or caliber, contact the Range Officer before use of indoor range.
8. No shotguns or rifles allowed (.22 cal. rimfire only).
9. No 5.7x 28mm rifle or pistol may be used indoors.
10. No firing from closer than 7 yard firing line.
11. No shooting into the splash boards above or below backstop. 12. No targets other than paper.
13. No targets on the wood border around backstop.
1. All shooters are to have a “Release from Liability Form on file.”
2. The safety briefing shall be part of match shooting activities.
3. Spot checks and safety checks will occur during live fire.
4. Penalties, sanctions, or consequences for violations of the range and safety rules will be addressed either verbally or through loss of privileges at the determination of the Board of Directors
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